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Free Online Medical Care for Underserved Areas
Through the Global Pandemic and Beyond

Why GTN is Unique
GTN offers free consultations at any time with volunteer medical, surgical and mental health specialists.

Humanitarian healthcare
Our physician volunteers provide medical and surgical specialty consultations for physicians located in medically underserved areas, including low- and medium-resource countries, conflict zones, disaster areas and the growing number of refugee camps around the world, as well as here in the U.S.

Real-time consults 24/7
Most international telehealth programs offer consultations through exchanges of emails over 1-2 days or online by advance appointment during office hours. Those are valuable services, but wherever bandwidth is adequate, GTN will soon offer free, online, real-time, interactive video consultations with volunteer medical, surgical and mental health specialists day or night, 365 days per year.

We deliver remote healthcare to the front lines
In addition to specialty consultations, GTN offers primary care health services for areas where there are no physicians at all. We'll respond to online requests from nurses, Community Health Workers, birth attendants, midwives and others who provide front line health services and encounter patients with complex problems that exceed their capabilities. If the primary care physician volunteer needs help, specialists are immediately available.

GTN addresses mental health issues, too
Many places in the world have no access to mental health services. GTN’s volunteer psychiatrists and clinical psychologists can assist physicians and other health workers who need help treating patients with mental health problems.

From video conference to text messages
Real-time video consultations are ideal, and in surprisingly large parts of the world, bandwidth is adequate. Where Internet access is more limited, we can provide help through cell phones, email or even text messages.

GTN encourages in-country networks
GTN encourages the same physicians who obtain consultations through our system to also use the network for regional outreach, helping nurses or Community Health Workers who work in even more remote locations.

coming soon
Preventive health services
When our telehealth system is fully implemented, we'll offer preventive health services provided by volunteer Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Registered Dietitians, Physical Therapists and other non-physician health workers.

coming soon
A curated online healthcare library
We plan to offer open access to curated health information – i.e., online resources from credible sources that are verified to be accurate and helpful, in contrast to the enormous quantity of inaccurate and often harmful information that's currently available through the Internet.